Phytagem Definition

It is a very fast definition, it gives a medium volume (it greatly influences how we choose to dry and finish) and medium definition. Watch the step by step.

  • Divide your hair into two parts and apply styling cream to each half. Or you can apply the cream per strand. I advise you to try both ways and keep doing the one you like best.
  • Section all your hair into 3, 4 or 5 parts (depends on how much hair you have).
  • You are going to take each section and divide it horizontally (for more volume) or vertically.
  • You apply gel per strand (you can do this step at the end of the process if you like more volume)
  • Now pass the detangler or definer brush under that small section and scrunch it up.
  • You repeat this all over your little head
  • If you decide to apply the gel last, you just have to put your head down and apply it with your hands together (pray hands technique or praying) and then repeat the application making a scrunch until all the hair is soaked with gel.
  • Finish by removing excess product with a microfiber towel.
  • Let your hair dry in the open air or with a diffuser
  • Once your hair is dry, apply two puffs of Jojoba Oil in your hands, rub and do a scrunch (it is to press the hair upwards).
  • If you like volume, section the hair again, apply oil to your fingers, and carefully separate the curls

    Watch a video tutorial of the fitagem technique here

    It seems difficult but once we try it we realize that we even personalize the steps so that our hair, which is unique, can bring out its full potential.

    By using gel we are providing fixation, avoiding frizz, we achieve duration and we avoid doing this process every day.

    When we break the hardness of the gel with Jojoba Oil we achieve shine and prevent the fork
    Curly Lovers products are the best allies to care for and define your curls.

    Tags: crespa, curly, definition, Curly hair, Risos, curly, Curls

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